Tuesday, May 17, 2011

R.I.P. Harmon Killebrew

Harmon Killebrew died today. It was obvious the end was near for Killebrew when he announced last week he was going to stop treatment for the cancer that had ravaged him. As I wrote then, Killebrew was a special player, who fans looked forward to seeing.

Baseball fans are mourning his passing today and remembering "Killer" at the plate, wearing No. 3 on his back. A slugger whose home runs evoked that other basher who wore the same uniform number, Babe Ruth.


  1. Being a red sox fan there wasn't much to enjoy growing up in the 60s & 70s, so stats were always important and fun. I will always remember how Harmon was routinely the leader in homers and rbi's. The epitome of power hitter.

  2. Well you did have 1975 and Lynn and Rice and company to follow. My Brewers didn't make the playoffs til the '80s.

  3. True...it was more the importance of stats to a child in the days of "the game of the week" prior to fantasy leagues, espn and the web.
